Friday, 14 June 2013


  I really cannot abide ignorance and bigotry.
Unfortunately there is too much of it in the world today. In this post i want to try and talk about my views on the quite frankly disgusting discrimination against ALL Muslims. Now before i get people screaming at me about the atrocities committed by disturbed men and women in the name of Islam let me state that I in no way, shape or form sympathise with or condone what those sickos do! 

 What i am talking about here in this post is the decent, peaceful, hard working Muslims who contribute to society and would never dream of hurting anyone. These people are being banded in with the sickos when they are in fact just as disgusted by what the extremists do as you are.

  I have friends and family who would normally never dream of being xenophobic or hateful towards someone because of their colour or religion and yet because of recent events have been seen to post all sorts of anti Islam pictures, comments and frankly, vile slurs against all Muslims.

  Recently in the UK an innocent young soldier was murdered. In broad daylight, in the street, by two men who were apparently Muslim extremists. Obviously the perpetrators of this sick and vile act should be punished as severely as possible. Again as i said before i do not sympathise with these disgusting excuses for human beings nor am I condoning anything they have done.  What I am doing though is venting my...disappointment i guess i would call it, disappointment in the reaction of society. Yes, we SHOULD be angry. We SHOULD be outraged. we SHOULD demand they get punished and that things like this aren't allowed to happen again. What we SHOULDN'T do is post pictures, comments etc like "Kill all Muslims" or "Lets go Nigger Hunting!" (Yes, sadly this was an actual comment i saw shortly after the Woolwich atrocity in which the murderer was a black Muslim.)

  Not all Muslims are terrorists. They are just as horrified by the extremists as we are. Decent, non extremist Muslim leaders have spoken out very publicly about this. They want to stop this stuff happening just as much as we do. I know people are sickened and angry by what happened but it didn't happen just because they are followers of Islam, it happened because they were sick in the head and an equally sick in the head person incited hatred in their hearts for their fellow human beings.

  Before you post comments or pictures screaming for all Muslim's to be hanged or worse, just stop and think for a second. By allowing the racial/religious hatred to be stirred in our hearts we are playing straight into the extremist's dirty hands. They want us to be divided, they want us to be scared in our own country, they want the fear and hatred to explode and bring us to our knees whilst they sit back and watch it all whilst rubbing their hands together at the fact that their sick as hell plans are working.

 I really debated for a long time whether to publish this post at all but at the end of the day i feel this needs saying and i would rather be yelled at (again) for pointing out things i have said here today than to sit back and watch ourselves be turned against each other. Once we allow the hate inside our souls it is a slippery slope. It's Muslims now....whats next? :(

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