Friday 14 September 2012

Think before you speak

   I have taken a break from writing for a few days as I was really feeling crappy and didn't want to fill this page full of it if I could help it. I seem to be coming out of it again now :)

  I've been thinking the last couple of days about words and the power that they can have over people without the person who speaks them realizing it. What is a throw away remark for one person could be very damaging for the person it is said to. It can be hurtful, humiliating or just downright mean.

  I've had my issues with peoples words affecting me extremely badly but I've decided now that I am NOT going to let what other people say or think control who i want to be or what I want to say. What gives them the right to put me down or mock me just because I am different to them and who made them my judge in the first place?

  If some people don't like me or think I am a "freak" so what? I don't need everyone's approval to feel good about myself. As long as the people I love and care about think well of me then screw the people who like to put me down just so they can feel a bit better about their own little lives.

 I am going to be so much more careful with what i say to people from now on. I have no right to put anyone down just as they don't have one to put me down. If people just consider what they say to someone before they say it maybe we would have a little less hurt around.

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